Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Political Developments in Western Europe and Eastern Europe

Question: Write an essay on Differenced between political developments in Western Europe and Eastern Europe? Answer: Differenced between political developments in Western Europe and Eastern Europe The development in Europe has played a major role in the worlds history. The political development in Europe could be majorly divided into two area, the political development in the Western Europe, and the political development in the Eastern Europe. With time, England emerged as a center, and powerful state country in the Western Europe and Russia emerged as a center, and a powerful country of the Eastern Europe (Kosteleck, 2002). There are various fundamental differences in the political developments of these two regions. It has been observed that the political development in the region is influenced by number of internal and external factors. These factors would include social, economic, and religious factors. In the Christian nations and Christian society, the church has always played an important role towards political development in the region. The history has revealed that church has been more powerful in England as compared to the Eastern Europe. Likewise, the church played a crucial role in the political development in England and Eastern Europe. The role of church could not be marginalized in the political development in Russia. It is just that Church was a major a decisive power in England and the other parts of the Western Europe (Sharpe, 1993). The nobles of the church used to interfere in the political development and these nobles generated huge people support in the different parts of the Eastern Europe. New form of absolutism: France The word absolutism refers to the absolute power of ruler. In terms of a political system, the word absolutism refers to a type of government in which the rulers power is absolute. It means that the power of rules is not subjected to any sort of legal or political constraints. The European monarchies, especially those of France, Spain, and Russia, between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries provide the clearest examples of absolute rule and absolutism (Parker, 1989). There were certain fundamental differences in the absolutism form of rule. The absolutism was a sort of self-proclaimed rule in which ruler wanted to control the people, and the politicians. Another difference between absolutism and previous form of government was the rights and liberties of people. It was observed that the rights of the people were curtailed under absolutism. Therefore, the absolutism was not a desired form in France (Church, 1969). The people of the country did not support absolutism. However, there was very little that they could have done under the absolute power of rulers. The absolutism emerged as a platform where ruler was able to control the political development, and influence the social development in France. A Modest Proposal In the article, A Modest Proposal, author has made an appeal to help the people of Ireland. This proposal has focused on the under privileged people in the country. The subject of this proposal are women, beggars, and helpless children. The audience of this proposal is the affluent people who visit the country (Swift, 1966). In this proposal, an appeal has been made to all the tourists, and the travelers. In the proposal, author highlighted that food is the most basic need of any children and individual. It is important that people should support beggars, children, and women to get access to this necessity. Author did his calculation and highlighted that there are one hundred and twenty thousand children of poor parents annually born and the kingdom does not have any infrastructure to support these children. There are limited job opportunities in the country and these children could not be employed. In the proposal, author made several points that could actually help these children and make an impact on the lives of these children. The fundamental point of this article is that, it is our basic and moral responsibility to help the people who cannot afford their meals (Swift, 1995). It would not cost much and it would only make people modest. Therefore, people should join hands, and should work together to implement this proposal, and to make this proposal successful. There is nothing that cannot achieved, and with the support of people, a change can be brought in the life of children, and needy people. References Church, W. F. (1969).The impact of absolutism in France: national experience under Richelieu, Mazarin, and Louis XIV. Wiley. Kosteleck, T. (2002).Political parties after communism: developments in East-Central Europe. T. Kostelecky (Ed.). Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press. Parker, D. (1989). Sovereignty, Absolutism and the Function of the Law in Seventeenth-Century France.Past and Present, 36-74. Sharpe, L. J. (Ed.). (1993).The rise of the meso government in Europe(Vol. 32). SAGE Publications Limited. Swift, J. (1966).A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Ireland from Becoming a Burden to Their Parents Or Country. Voyagers' Press. Swift, J. (1995, February). A modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people from being a burthen to their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public. InChild and Youth Care Forum(Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 5-12). Springer Netherlands.

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